The french-german duo plays together since 2015.

Miriam Klüglich
Miriam Klüglich was born in 1992. She started playing the violin at the age of seven and received a very wide musical education including piano and chamber music lessons. After graduating from high school, she moved to Stuttgart and studied at the Musikhochschule where she took violin lessons by Christian Sikorski. As an eclectic musician, she enrolled at the same time in a pedagogy formation so that she could teach music and French at school (Schulmusik), which allowed her to take classes in choral and orchestra direction, in analysis, and in musicology. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree of violin and with a state examination allowing her to teach in German high schools.

Harald Sinot
Geboren 1991 in Châlons-en-Champagne, er wuchs mit dem Klavier zusammen auf und erhielt Unterricht bei Michelle und Jean Dumaux. Nach seinem Abitur konzentrierte er sich voll und ganz auf die Musik und studierte zunächst in Reims bei Julien Médous. Für den Bachelor fand er sich in Lübeck wieder, wo er bei Prof. Konstanze Eickhorst seinen Weg als Pianist fortsetzte. Dank einer fundierten Ausbildung in der Didaktik des Klavierspiels übernahm er bald einige Klavierschüler. Seine Unterrichtstätigkeit führt er derzeit an der Musikschule Horb fort, nachdem er für den Masterstudiengang Klavier solo nach Trossingen zu Prof. Irmgard Priester wechselte. Nachdem er diesen 2016 abschloss reizte ihn das kammermusikalische Spiel und er setzte sein Studium mit einem Master Kammermusik bei Prof. Akos Hernardi fort. 2018 beendete Harald Sinot sein Studium mit der Bestnote "mit Auszeichnung".

Duo Érable
The Duo Érable was founded in 2015 by the german violinist Miriam Klüglich and french pianist Harald Sinot, with a focus on bringing music from their home countries to the whole European Union. In 2018 they were awarded the Primo Premio Assoluto at the international competition Città di Barletta in Italy, and they regularly play concerts in Germany and France. Currently Miriam Klüglich and Harald Sinot are studying together towards a chamber music Master at Maastricht Conservatory, under the tutelage of Igor Roma and Kyoko Yonemoto. As part of an exchange, Duo Érable have also studied at the Montréal Conservatory of Music with André Laplante and Johanne Arel, and have been inspired and guided by artists such as Ákos Hernádi, Christian Sikorski, Marina Chiche and Clive Brown. Duo Érable also plays as part of larger chamber music ensembles, such as piano quartet or trio.